How to Grow Unlimited Supply of Onions in Big Plastic Bottles at Home

How to Grow Unlimited Supply of Onions in Big Plastic Bottles at Home
1. What You Need
Large Plastic Bottles: 5-liter bottles are ideal.
Onion Bulbs: Preferably smaller onion sets.
Potting Soil: Well-draining, nutrient-rich mix.
Knife or Scissors: For cutting the bottles.
Drill or Nail: For drainage holes.
Water: For regular watering.
2. Step-by-Step Guide
Step 1: Prepare the Bottles
Clean the Bottles: Ensure they are free of residues.
Cut Openings: Use a knife or scissors to cut holes in the sides, spaced evenly.
Add Drainage Holes: Make small holes at the bottom using a drill or heated nail.
Step 2: Fill With Soil and Plant
Fill with Soil: Add a few inches of soil to the bottom.
Plant Onion Bulbs: Insert bulbs into the holes, root end down, and cover with soil.
Continue Layering: Add more soil and bulbs in layers until the bottle is filled.
Step 3: Water and Position
Water Thoroughly: Moisten the soil until water drains from the bottom.
Position the Bottle: Place in a sunny location like a windowsill or balcony.
Step 4: Care and Maintenance
Regular Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
Nutrient Management: Feed with a balanced liquid fertilizer every few weeks.
Monitor for Pests and Diseases: Check regularly and treat as needed.
Step 5: Harvesting
Check for Readiness: Harvest when the tops fall over and yellow.
Curing: Dry harvested onions in a warm, ventilated area for several days.
3. Benefits and Tips
Space Efficient: Utilizes vertical space efficiently.
Eco-Friendly: Recycles plastic bottles, reducing waste.
Continuous Supply: Stagger planting times for a continuous harvest.
This method allows for a steady supply of fresh onions, making it a practical and enjoyable home gardening project.

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