Teach Your Kids the Art of Plant Care With Our Special-Edition “Grow-How Kits” to Benefit Detroit School

It’s safe to say that spring 2020 will be a little different than years past. While the seasons will turn as normal, our future remains a bit of a question mark as we continue to fight the Coronavirus pandemic. This is an especially challenging time for young kids, who are not only transitioning to virtual learning but may not understand why they can’t spend time with friends and extended family members.

In an effort to provide families with safe, educational, at-home-friendly activities, we’re launching a special-edition Grow-How Kit. Designed for adults and children alike, the set includes a small Bloomscape Philodendron Heartleaf plant, a propagation kit, downloadable plant coloring cards, and an exclusive plant care workshop. Whether you’ve been meaning to teach your kids about the joys of plant care, or are simply looking for an educational activity, this $75 kit will meet all your needs.

Bloomscape Grow-Hot Propagation Kit to Benefit Detroit Achievement Academy

Best of all, we’re donating $20 from each Grow-How Kit to Detroit Prep, a free public elementary school located on Detroit’s East Side. Like so many organizations in the area, the Detroit Prep community has been deeply affected by COVID-19 as kids spend time apart from classmates and teachers and adjust to virtual learning. Our donations will provide students with at-home school supplies so they can successfully continue their studies during this uncertain time.

We had the pleasure of speaking with Detroit Prep co-founder Kyle Smitley about the initiative and the Detroit Prep story. Learn more below, and purchase your Grow-How Kit here.

Bloomscape Grow-Hot Propagation Kit to Benefit Detroit Achievement Academy

Bloomscape: We’re incredibly excited to partner with Detroit Prep! How do the Grow-How Kits align in with your school mission?

Kyle Smitley: We’re excited too! Bloomscape is a company that’s near and dear to our hearts. We specialize in project-based learning at Detroit Prep, which means that our students learn by doing and getting their hands dirty. The Grow-How Kits speak to that mission and help kids learn more about the natural world around them, which is so important.

Bloomscape: We wholeheartedly agree! What else sets Detroit Prep apart in the city and beyond?

KS: For starters, we’re the most socio-economically and racially diverse school in the city, and our proficiency scores are higher than the state average and the highest in Detroit. Statistics aside, we believe that social-emotional learning is just as important as academic learning. We work to foster learning and growth and compassion, cooperation, and curiosity are core parts of our school culture! We’ve built an incredibly tight-knit, special community!

Bloomscape: Speaking of community, how have your students and faculty adjusted to the changes brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic?

KS: COVID-19 has placed a lot of hardship on our state, our city, and of course our school. Quarantine has been hard for our students and teachers because we prioritize togetherness and community so much. It’s such a sweet, special place — our kids are so funny and smart. When we are all together, my face literally hurts from smiling so much because it’s just so joyful. We all look forward to coming in every day. Virtual learning is challenging for schools across the board.

Bloomscape: To that end, what do you think students need to make virtual learning as successful as possible?

KS: Our most critical need at the moment is to get resources into the hands of students at home. Those resources can be as simple as a pair of scissors, a pencil sharpener, and some glue, or as advanced as a Chromebook, which allows them to engage with their teachers and fellow classmates. Without these school supplies, they can’t hope to continue their studies as normal.

This partnership will give us the resources we desperately need to make sure we can provide these school supplies for all of our students at home. It’s important to us to be able to offer compassion during this time and ensure that we’re taking care of our students.

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