10 Things Plant Experts Do That You Probably Don’t

Plant experts follow several uncommon practices to ensure the optimal growth and health of their houseplants. These practices include:

  1. Changing the soil annually: Experienced plant owners replace the soil every year to prevent root-bound growth and provide fresh nutrients for their plants.
  2. Watering only when necessary: Plant experts avoid over or under watering by watering their plants only when the top inch of soil is dry.
  3. Thoroughly researching plants: They take the time to understand each plant’s specific care requirements, including its preferred light, temperature, humidity, and watering needs.
  4. Monitoring for pests: Regularly inspecting their plants for pests and addressing infestations promptly helps prevent damage and maintain plant health.
  5. Avoiding excessive handling: Minimizing contact with the leaves reduces stress on the plants and promotes stronger growth.
  6. Not overwatering or over-fertilizing: Plant experts understand that too much water or fertilizer can stress out plants, leading to poor growth or even death.
  7. Providing adequate air circulation: Proper airflow around the plants prevents rot and mold from developing, ensuring a healthy growing environment.
  8. Protecting tropical plants from full afternoon sun: To shield tropical plants from harsh sunlight, they position them away from direct sunlight during the hottest part of the day or use shading methods like curtains or screens.
  9. Using kitchen scraps for natural fertilization: Instead of relying on commercial fertilizers, plant experts repurpose food waste like banana peels, coffee grounds, and eggshells as effective organic alternatives for nourishing their plants.**

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