How to Identify and Save Overwatered Pilea

Do you know How to Identify and Save Overwatered Pilea? Learning about it will surely come in handy for you!

Overwatered Pilea 1
Overwatering can lead to tons of leaf problems, slow growth, and even root rot. That’s why you need to know How to Identify and Save Overwatered Pilea.

Main Reasons Behind Overwatered Pilea

Pilea plants need moist soil, but it shouldn’t be excessively wet for a long time. Many people don’t pay attention to this. Sometimes, it’s the pot’s fault because it does not have drainage holes and the excess water stays in the pot instead of getting out from below.

On the other hand, if the pot is too large for the plant, it will hold more water. You might think you’re watering it right, but your Pilea plants will suffer.

Signs You Are Overwatering Your Pilea

How do you check for overwatering in Pilea plants? Here are the tell-tale signs.

1. Yellowing or Wilting Leaves

Identify and Save Overwatered Pilea
Overwatering causes excess moisture buildup, so the roots of the plant suffocate. They can no longer uptake nutrients properly, so the leaves of the plant start wilting and turning yellow. Watch out for this.

Solution: Allow the soil to dry out partially between waterings and adjust your watering frequency to make sure the soil is slightly moist but not waterlogged. You can check the moisture level by inserting your finger into the soil to check when it’s time to water again. Simple, right? 

2. Mushy or Discolored Roots

Identify and Save Overwatered Pilea 2

Root rot is a sign of overwatering. If the roots of your Pilea plant are mushy or have turned a brown-black color, chances are, your Pilea is on its way to dying.

Solution: You’ll need to be quick if root rot is present. Just take the plant out of the pot and trim away all the damaged roots. Don’t worry, new ones will grow. Then, get a new pot with fresh potting soil and put the plant in it. It’ll take a few weeks but it’ll be healthy again. 

3. Fungal Growth or Moldy Soil

Identify and Save fungal growth in  Pilea

Fungal growth needs moisture, and soil that is constantly wet is the perfect place. If you ever see moldy soil or fungal growth on the surface of the potting medium, your Pilea plant has excess moisture.

Solution: Here, we have to work on soil drainage by repotting the Pilea in a container with drainage holes. Just allow the soil to dry out more thoroughly between waterings. You can also sprinkle cinnamon powder on the soil surface, which has antifungal properties and can help stop the fungal growth.

4. Lack of New Growth

Identify and Save Overwatered Pilea in pot

Overwatering causes pilea plants to become unhealthy so they focus all the energy into reviving the plant–there will be stunted or no growth. The plant will also lose some of its vibrancy and liveliness.

Solution: If this happens, pay attention to your watering schedule and adjust it so the plant is not constantly sitting in water. You need to let the topsoil dry out between waterings and provide time for the roots to breathe.

How to Save Overwatered Pilea?

 Save Overwatered Pilea pot

Saving overwatered Pilea plants might be some work, but it’s not rocket science. You just need to be delicate and know what you’re doing.

Start by assessing the damage done so you understand how severe the damage is. Now, dig up the plant and trim the roots that are damaged. Once that is done, you need to get a new pot, fill it with new potting soil, and plant your Pilea in it. That’s pretty much it–after that, you just have to care for it in the long term for it to thrive.

Pay attention to the light it gets and also look for signs of improvement like growth and healthy green foliage.

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