Dracaena [dra-SEE-nah] is a popular, easy-to-grow house and landscape plant boasting approximately a hundred and twenty different species of shrubs and trees.
Dracaenas are popular for their upright foliage and ease of growing nature, which is why these Dracaena Varieties can become excellent houseplants!

These Dracaena plant types originate in a number of different tropical and subtropical settings, including:
- Central America
- Canary Islands
- Southern Asia
- South Africa
- Cape Verde
- Australia
- Madeira
The name, Dracaena, is derived from a Romanized version of the ancient Greek word, drakaina, which means female dragon.
In this article, we review some of the many ways to use Dracaena in your landscape, living room, and home and provide a brief overview of eight of the most popular varieties.
This slow-growing species does very well with very little care.
It may take as long as three years to attain a height of about 4′ feet.
There are several different leaf variations within this species.
- Dracaena Magenta
- Dracaena Tricolor
- Dracaena Marginata Colorama
Dracaena Draco
Dracaena Draco is also sometimes commonly called the Dragon Tree.
It is a succulent tree usually kept as a houseplant, but if you live in a tropical or subtropical area, plant it outdoors, and it will grow to be an impressively wide, thick, branched tree up to 25′ feet tall.
One ancient specimen was measured at 70′ feet tall.
When allowed to grow in this manner, Draco’s sword-like, bluish-green leaves will grow to be about 2′ feet long.
In the summertime, the tree produces small, greenish-white flowers, which transition into orange berries.
Dracaena Arborea
Dracaena arborea is another Dracaena, sometimes called Dragon Tree or Tree Dracaena.
As the name suggests, this variety is a genuine tree that is best suited to the outdoors.
In the wild, it grows in a semi-desert setting.
If you live in a hot, dry area and need a tall, palm-like tree for your yard or garden, tree Dracaena with its thick trunk with single or multiple heads and broad, stiff leaves, may be just the plant for you.
Tree Dracaena can do well in settings ranging from partial shade to bright direct sunlight.
This vibrantly colored, relatively short dracaena variety has broad leaves with distinct emerald and lime-green stripes.
Although they are quite drought tolerant, you’ll get better results with regular watering and good quality, well-draining soil.
Dracaena Fragrans | Dracaena Massangeana
Dracaena fragrans and Dracaena massangeana is also known as Corn Plant or Mass cane because their leaves look somewhat like corn leaves.
This slow-growing, easy-care species does well in low-light conditions and doesn’t need much water.
It’s a good choice in a large, open space such as a sunroom, office reception area, mall, or wide hallway.
This tropical plant will grow outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 10 and 11.
Dracaena Reflexa
Dracaena reflexa has dark green leaves and was formerly known as pleomele.
There are other reflexa varieties:
This pretty plant is similar to marginata, but its leaves are a bit wider. With its stiff, sword-like leaves, this slow grower is tough and easy to care for, even for inexperienced plant parents.
The green leaves have attractive cream-colored margins.
Like marginata, the plant may take quite a while to attain a maximum height of about 3′ feet.
It may occasionally produce small, insignificant flowers.
Dracaena Deremensis Janet Craig
Dracaena deremensis is also known as Janet Craig, and a compact variety known as Janet Craig compact.
This very common houseplant has attractive, shiny, dark green leaves which grow in compact tufts.
It is an extremely easy plant to grow.
Several Dracaena types, varieties, or sports of Janet Craig include:
- Dracaena deremensis Lisa
- Dracaena deremensis Michiko
- Dracaena deremensis ‘Hawaiian Sunshine’
The plant is, in fact, a small tree and is an excellent choice for small apartments, bathrooms, office cubicles, and other areas where a single, extremely attractive, very easy-care plant is desirable.