Entitled Colleagues Made a New Worker Serve Them – They Were Floored to Discover Her Real Identity Later

A group of shocked women | Source: AmoMamaJessica, quietly enduring mistreatment by her colleagues, harbors a secret. As tensions rise at a prestigious jewelry company, mysterious financial discrepancies surface. Disguised truths unravel at the annual ball, revealing unexpected identities and shocking betrayals. In this story, nothing is as it seems.

Jessica walked into the bustling office of the renowned jewelry brand, feeling a mix of nerves and determination.

An office with a view of the city | Source: Midjourney

She had a big task before her, and, of course, she was more than ready to rise to the occasion. Michael had briefed her on whatever she needed to do, and now, she was ready to prove herself.

As she moved around, her colleagues noticed her timid nature. She wanted to be easy-going and effortless, so she chose plain clothes and minimal makeup.

“No need to make a fuss,” she told herself as she put on her thin hoop earrings.

A woman in formal clothes | Source: Midjourney

But despite her understated appearance, she was undeniably beautiful, and within days of being at the office, Jessica became the office’s personal errand-woman.

“You there!” Melissa barked. “You, go get me a coffee! I’d like a venti iced java chip frappuccino, triple shot. And a chocolate muffin. Can you handle that? Do you need to write it down?”

A woman sitting at a desk with papers scattered in front of her | Source: Midjourney

Melissa was the self-appointed queen bee of the office, and she was rarely seen without her phone. If Jessica had to keep an eye on anyone, it was her.

Jessica nodded and hurried off to the break room to get Melissa’s muffin. She’d have to leave the building to get the drink.

A close-up of a muffin | Source: Midjourney

“And take this to the dry cleaner,” Linda said, throwing her coat on Jessica’s desk. “There’s one across our building. Make it a rush job because I need it for tomorrow.”

Jessica obliged without complaint. She grabbed the coat and made sure she had Melissa’s coffee order ringing in her head.

A tall glass of iced coffee | Source: Midjourney

“Mean girls still exist outside of high school?” she muttered to herself as she got into the elevator.

During lunch, Linda and Melissa sat at a table in the corner of the room, whispering loudly as Jessica opened her container of pasta salad.

Pasta on a plate | Source: Midjourney

“What do you think of the new girl?” Linda asked.

“I think that we can break her soon,” Melissa said. “Her spirit is too quiet, too timid. We can send her on her way soon.”

“And what about her shoes? Did you see how out of style they are? If you’re in the fashion business, you should know these things,” Linda sneered, her voice dripping with disdain.

Two women laughing in the corridor | Source: Midjourney

Melissa laughed loudly as she dipped her spoon into her yogurt.

“I know, right? Who on earth wears last season’s fashion in this office?” she asked.

Jessica glanced at them, rolling her eyes slightly. She could handle these women.

A woman holding a spoon and smiling with her eyes closed | Source: Midjourney

And soon, the annual corporate ball was approaching. It was going to be the biggest event of the year, and Jessica was finally going to go.

The invitations were highly coveted, and Jessica had received one, placed at the center of her desk.

A fancy invitation | Source: Midjourney

“Oh!” she exclaimed, picking it up and looking at the beautiful embossed paper.

But when she went to the bathroom, she returned to find it missing from her desk.

Melissa leaned on Jessica’s desk, grinning with satisfaction.

“Oh, it looks like you won’t be going to the ball after all, Cinderella,” she said.

A close up of a woman sneering | Source: Midjourney

Jessica’s heart sank, but she maintained her composure.

“I see,” she replied calmly.

The night of the ball arrived, and everyone made their way to the hotel’s grand ballroom.

A fancy ballroom setting | Source: Midjourney

Melissa and Linda were mingling with everyone, enjoying the luxury and glamour, when the biggest plot twist arrived. The doors swung open, revealing Jessica.

Jessica stood there, wearing an elegant gown, her hair styled to perfection. But what floored them was the arm that she clung to.

A close-up of a woman at an event | Source: Midjourney

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