How To Get Your Indoor Plants Ready for Fall

With summer winding down and the days becoming shorter, it’s time to prepare our indoor plants for the months ahead. Check out our Grow-How® tips for getting your plants ready for fall. 

Bring Your Plants Indoors

If your indoor plants have been outside enjoying the warmth and humidity of summer, it’s time to bring them inside once nighttime temperatures begin to dip below 55°F. While chillier temperatures still above freezing won’t kill most houseplants, they can cause leaf drop and signal your plant to go into dormancy.

To check for any little critters that may have taken up residence on your plant, be sure to look closely at the top and underside of the leaves as well as the stems. Remove any debris, like dead leaves, that has gathered on the soil surface where critters typically like to hide. If you happen upon any insects, remove them by wiping down the leaves thoroughly. If you find an infestation, an organic neem oil spray can be used to help deter the pests.

Give Your Plants a Shower

advice from plant mom: getting your plants ready for fall

At the turn of each season, give your plants a thorough shower with a gentle spray of lukewarm water. This is the perfect time to leach any salt build-up out of the soil by letting the water run freely out of the bottom of the pot. The shower will also clean off any dust that has collected on the foliage. Not only will your plant look nice and clean, but it will also be better protected from insects that like to lurk on dusty leaves.

If you find dust still lingering on your plant’s leaves post-shower, wipe them down using dusting gloves to remove any remaining dirt or dust.

Feed Once More Before Winter

how to fertilize your indoor plant

After their shower, take advantage of the damp soil and recharge with nutrients for the last time this year. Be careful not to overdo it—we suggest using a water-soluble all-purpose fertilizer mixed at half the recommended strength.

Fertilizing for the first time? Our Grow-How® Team has a helpful tutorial on how to fertilize your indoor plants.

Trim Aged or Unsightly Leaves

advice from plant mom: getting your plants ready for fall

To continue cleaning up your plants, take care to trim any yellow or browning leaves with sharp, clean plant snips. Be sure to disinfect the shears with rubbing alcohol after each snip in order to minimize the spread of bacteria or any disease from plant to plant.

If you’re in need of guidance on when and how to trim your plants, check out our Grow-How® Team’s quick how-to on trimming indoor houseplants.

Find The Best Lighting

As the days get shorter, the sun is lower in the sky, changing the way sunlight enters your space. If you have nearby shade trees that drop their leaves come fall, this can also allow more direct light to enter your space. Where you placed your plant in the spring and summer may not be the best lighting scenario for it during the fall and winter. Take note of how the light enters your space and adjust your plant’s placement according to their lighting preference. Unsure of your plants’ preferred sunlight needs? Here’s our comprehensive guide for indoor plant lighting.

In the case that you find your plant isn’t getting sufficient light, consider incorporating a grow light into your space.

Repot When Needed

Has your plant outgrown its pot? To check, gently lift your plant out of the pot and observe the roots. If the roots are coiling around the bottom of the pot, or even growing through the drainage holes or out of the top of the soil, then it’s time to size up and repot in a larger planter. Shop everything you need for repotting here, including pots, soil, and tools.

Don’t know how to go about repotting your plant? Don’t worry, our Grow-How® Team has you covered. Here’s all you need to know on how to repot indoor plants.

Ask for Help

Our team of plant care experts is here to answer your questions and give you the encouragement you need to be the best plant parent you can be. If you have any questions, contact the Grow-How® Team or check out our plant care articles.

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