String of Stars Plant Care and Growing Information

Succulents are always a top pick for people who want plants that are not too much fuss to grow. If they get one that flowers, well, nothing like it! Keeping that in mind, we have a succulent that booms for you!

Why is it Called String of Stars Plant?

String of Stars Plant

Well, because the foliage of the plant has a distinctive star-like shape that’s only prominent when viewed en masse. Such a shape is not visible on small plants, though.

The plant is mostly popular for its leaves, but it also flowers under right growing conditions, with clusters of yellow, maroon, or green blooms.

Propagating String of Stars Plant

The best time to propagate this plant is from late spring to early summer. If you live in a warm climate, you can do it at anytime of the year.

To grow the plant, select a healthy specimen and take a 4-6 inches long stem section. Make sure you snip right below the node. Let the cutting dry for 1-3 days to callous. Now, plant it in a well-draining cacti mix, water well, and make sure it gets bright and indirect light all day long. It usually takes a few weeks for the cutting to establish roots.

Requirements for Growing String of Stars Plant

String of Stars Plant 2


To watch it thrive and possibly flower, make sure it gets a few hours (3-4) of direct, mild morning sunlight and then bright and indirect light for the rest of the day. For this, keeping it near an east-facing location would be the best bet.

Do save them from the harsh afternoon sun, especially if you live in a warm climate.


Any well-draining cacti mix would do wonders for this plant. Just avoid using 100% garden soil to grow it, as it can soak in too much water, which can result in root rot.  Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral pH, around 6.0 to 7.0, ensuring optimal nutrient uptake.


You need to water string of stars plant only when the topsoil goes a little dry, upto half an inch deep. Avoid daily watering as it can cause root rot and other issues.


It thrives best in temperatures ranging from 15 to 34 degrees Celsius (59 to 93 degrees Fahrenheit). Keep it away from AC or heating vents and make sure its stems do not touch the windowpane.

String of Stars Plant Care

String of Stars Plant 6


As the plant is slow growing, you don’t need to worry much about feeding it, especially if you have used a good quality cacti mix. To boost the growth and flowering, you can fertilize using a balanced liquid feed (10-10-10), diluted to 1/4 of its strength, once in 6-8 weeks.

Refrain from feeding the plant during dormancy (fall and winter) when its growth slows.

Pests and Diseases

With string of stars, keep an eye on spider mites or mealybugs. Also, to save it from potential diseases, it is best to avoid wetting the foliage and overwatering. Make sure it gets plenty of light and air circulation, and it will be safe from all the troubles!

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