How to Make Ponytail Palm Grow Taller and Large: 6 Tricks

Learning the art of growing a tall and large ponytail palm is a clever mix of science and approach. Here’s how to achieve it!

How to Make Ponytail Palm Grow Taller

1. Get a Tall Specimen

First thing first – these plants are slow growers, and by slow, we mean SLOW! And if you plan to get a 1-2 feet tall palm – well, it will take years to add 1-2 feet to its growth.

So, what is the way around? How about you get a tall specimen from a garden center and then use all the following tips? A slightly large ponytail palm means you won’t have to waste time on a smaller one to make it taller!

2. Let them Get the Right Light Exposure

How to Make Ponytail Palm Grow Taller 3

3. Water Thoroughly but Less Frequently

Also known as Elephant foot tree because of the famous bulbous trunk, this is where they store a lot of water and can go on for months without watering. This means these plants don’t need frequent watering!

Beaucarnea recurvata are succulents and not true palms, and watering frequently can cause slow growth and, ultimately, root rot.

4. The Right Size Matters

Keep them in a slightly root-bound state for faster growth and avoid excessively large pots. Make sure you re-pot the plant every 3-4 years or whenever you see it completely root-bound.

However, this doesn’t mean you can select a really small pot as it can hinder tall growth.

5. Don’t Go on a Feeding Frenzy

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